Source code for src.features.plinkio

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Apr  9 15:58:40 2021

@author: Paolo Cozzi <>

Try to model data operations on plink files

import re
import csv
import logging

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass

from tqdm import tqdm
from mongoengine.errors import DoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned
from mongoengine.queryset import Q
from plinkio import plinkfile

from .snpchimp import clean_chrom
from .smarterdb import (
    VariantSheep, SampleSheep, Breed, Dataset, SmarterDBException, SEX,
    VariantGoat, SampleGoat, Location, get_sample_type)
from .utils import TqdmToLogger, skip_comments, text_or_gzip_open
from .illumina import read_snpList, read_illuminaRow
from .affymetrix import read_affymetrixRow

# Get an instance of a logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# a generic class to deal with assemblies
AssemblyConf = namedtuple('AssemblyConf', ['version', 'imported_from'])

class CodingException(Exception):

class PlinkIOException(Exception):

class IlluminaReportException(Exception):

class AffyReportException(Exception):

[docs]@dataclass class MapRecord(): chrom: str name: str cm: float position: int def __post_init__(self): # types are annotations. So, enforce position type: if isinstance(self.position, str): if self.position.isnumeric(): self.position = int(self.position) if isinstance(, str): if = float(
[docs]class SmarterMixin(): """Common features of a Smarter related dataset file""" _species = None mapdata = list() src_locations = list() dst_locations = list() filtered = set() variants_name = list() VariantSpecies = None SampleSpecies = None chip_name = None # this need to be set to the proper read genotype method read_genotype_method = None @property def species(self): return self._species @species.setter def species(self, species): if not species: # avoid to check a None value return # determine the SampleClass elif species == 'Sheep': self.VariantSpecies = VariantSheep self.SampleSpecies = SampleSheep elif species == 'Goat': self.VariantSpecies = VariantGoat self.SampleSpecies = SampleGoat else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Species '{species}' not yet implemented" ) self._species = species
[docs] def search_breed(self, fid, dataset, *args, **kwargs): """Get breed relying aliases and dataset""" # this is a $elemMatch query breed = Breed.objects( aliases__match={'fid': fid, 'dataset': dataset}).get() logger.debug(f"Found breed {breed}") return breed
[docs] def search_country(self, dataset: Dataset, breed: Breed): # this will be the default value country = # search for country in my aliases for alias in breed.aliases: if alias.dataset != dataset: continue if # override country if defined country = return country
[docs] def update_mapfile(self, outputfile: str): # helper function to get default value for cM def get_cM(record): """Returns distance in cM or '0' (default for map file)""" if hasattr(record, 'cm'): return return '0' with open(outputfile, 'w') as handle: writer = csv.writer(handle, delimiter=' ', lineterminator="\n") counter = 0 for idx, record in enumerate(self.mapdata): if idx in self.filtered: logger.warning(f"Skipping {record}: not in database") continue # get a location relying on indexes location = self.dst_locations[idx] # get the tracked variant name relying on indexes variant_name = self.variants_name[idx] # a new record in mapfile writer.writerow([ clean_chrom(location.chrom), variant_name, get_cM(record), location.position ]) counter += 1"Wrote {counter} SNPs in mapfile")
def _deal_with_relationship(self, line: list, dataset: Dataset): # deal with special items sex = None father_id = None mother_id = None # test with sex column if int(line[4]) in [1, 2]: sex = SEX(int(line[4])) # test with father id if str(line[2]) != '0': qs = self.SampleSpecies.objects( original_id=line[2], dataset=dataset) if qs.count() == 1: father_id = qs.get() # test with mother id if str(line[3]) != '0': qs = self.SampleSpecies.objects( original_id=line[3], dataset=dataset) if qs.count() == 1: mother_id = qs.get() return sex, father_id, mother_id def _create_sample( self, line: list, dataset: Dataset, breed: Breed, sex: SEX, father_id: Union[SampleSheep, SampleGoat], mother_id: Union[SampleSheep, SampleGoat]) -> Union[ SampleSheep, SampleGoat]: """ Helper method to create a new sample from a PED line Parameters ---------- line : list A PED line. dataset : Dataset The Dataset instance this sample belong to. breed : Breed The Breed instance of this sample. sex : SEX The sex of this sample (if any). father_id : Union[SampleSheep, SampleGoat] The father of this sample (if any). mother_id : Union[SampleSheep, SampleGoat] The mother of this sample (if any). Returns ------- Union[SampleSheep, SampleGoat] The created sample instance. """ # do I have a multi country dataset? try to determine the country country = self.search_country(dataset, breed) # test if foreground or background dataset type_ = get_sample_type(dataset) # insert sample into database"Registering sample '{line[1]}' in database") sample = self.SampleSpecies( original_id=line[1], country=country,, breed_code=breed.code, dataset=dataset, type_=type_, chip_name=self.chip_name, sex=sex, father_id=father_id, mother_id=mother_id ) logger.debug(f"Increment '{breed}' n_individuals counter") breed.n_individuals += 1 return sample
[docs] def get_or_create_sample( self, line: list, dataset: Dataset, breed: Breed, sample_field: str = "original_id", create_sample: bool = False) -> Union[SampleSheep, SampleGoat]: """ Get a sample from database or create a new one (if create_sample parameter flag is provided) Parameters ---------- line : list A ped line as a list. dataset : Dataset The dataset object this sample belongs to. breed : Breed The Breed object of such sample. sample_field : str, optional Search sample name within this field. The default is "original_id". create_sample : bool, optional Create a sample if not found in database. The default is False. Raises ------ SmarterDBException Raised if more than one sample is retrieved. Returns ------- sample : Union[SampleSheep, SampleGoat] A SampleSheep or SampleGoat object for a Sample object found or created. None if no sample is found and create_sample if False. """ # search for sample in database qs = self.SampleSpecies.objects( dataset=dataset, breed_code=breed.code, **{sample_field: line[1]} ) sex, father_id, mother_id = self._deal_with_relationship( line, dataset) # the sample I want to return sample = None if qs.count() == 1: logger.debug(f"Sample '{line[1]}' found in database") sample = qs.get() # update records if necessary if sample.father_id != father_id or sample.mother_id != mother_id: logger.warning(f"Update relationships for sample '{line[1]}'") sample.father_id = father_id sample.mother_id = mother_id elif qs.count() == 0: if not create_sample: logger.warning(f"Sample '{line[1]}' not found in database") else: sample = self._create_sample( line, dataset, breed, sex, father_id, mother_id) else: raise SmarterDBException( f"Got {qs.count()} results for '{line[1]}'") return sample
# helper function
[docs] def skip_index(self, idx): """Skip a certain SNP reling on its position""" # skip this variant (even in ped) self.filtered.add(idx) # need to add an empty value in locations (or my indexes # won't work properly). The same for variants name self.src_locations.append(None) self.dst_locations.append(None) self.variants_name.append(None)
[docs] def make_query_args( self, src_assembly: AssemblyConf, dst_assembly: AssemblyConf): """Generate args to select variants from database""" query = [] # construct the query arguments to search into database if dst_assembly: query = [Q(locations__match=src_assembly._asdict()) & Q(locations__match=dst_assembly._asdict())] else: query = [Q(locations__match=src_assembly._asdict())] return query
[docs] def make_query_kwargs( self, search_field: str, record: MapRecord, chip_name: str): """Generate kwargs to select variants from database""" if search_field == 'probeset_id': # construct a custom query to find the selected SNP return { "probesets__match": { 'chip_name': chip_name, 'probeset_id': } } else: return { search_field:, "chip_name": chip_name }
[docs] def fetch_coordinates( self, src_assembly: AssemblyConf, dst_assembly: AssemblyConf = None, search_field: str = "name", chip_name: str = None, *args, **kwargs): """Search for variants in smarter database Args: src_assembly (AssemblyConf): the source data assembly version dst_assembly (AssemblyConf): the destination data assembly version search_field (str): search variant by field (def. "name") chip_name (str): limit search to this chip_name """ # reset meta informations self.src_locations = list() self.dst_locations = list() self.filtered = set() self.variants_name = list() # get the query arguments relying on assemblies query = self.make_query_args(src_assembly, dst_assembly) tqdm_out = TqdmToLogger(logger, level=logging.INFO) for idx, record in enumerate(tqdm( self.mapdata, file=tqdm_out, mininterval=1)): try: # additional arguments used in query additional_arguments = self.make_query_kwargs( search_field, record, chip_name) # remove empty additional arguments if any variant = self.VariantSpecies.objects( *query, **{k: v for k, v in additional_arguments.items() if v} ).get() except DoesNotExist as e: logger.debug( f"Couldn't find '{}' with '{query}'" f"using '{additional_arguments}': {e}") self.skip_index(idx) # don't check location for missing SNP continue except MultipleObjectsReturned as e: logger.warning( f"Got multiple {} with '{query}'" f"using '{additional_arguments}': {e}") self.skip_index(idx) # don't check location for missing SNP continue # get the proper locations and track it src_location = variant.get_location(**src_assembly._asdict()) self.src_locations.append(src_location) if dst_assembly: dst_location = variant.get_location(**dst_assembly._asdict()) self.dst_locations.append(dst_location) # track read from database (useful when searching # using probeset_id) self.variants_name.append( # for simplicity if not dst_assembly: self.dst_locations = self.src_locations logger.debug( f"collected {len(self.dst_locations)} with '{query}' " f"using '{additional_arguments}'")
[docs] def fetch_coordinates_by_positions( self, src_assembly: AssemblyConf, dst_assembly: AssemblyConf = None): """ Search for variant in smarter database relying on positions Parameters ---------- src_assembly : AssemblyConf the source data assembly version. dst_assembly : AssemblyConf, optional the destination data assembly version. The default is None. Returns ------- None. """ # reset meta informations self.src_locations = list() self.dst_locations = list() self.filtered = set() self.variants_name = list() tqdm_out = TqdmToLogger(logger, level=logging.INFO) for idx, record in enumerate(tqdm( self.mapdata, file=tqdm_out, mininterval=1)): location = src_assembly._asdict() location["chrom"] = record.chrom location["position"] = record.position # construct the final query # construct the query arguments to search into database if dst_assembly: query = [Q(locations__match=location) & Q(locations__match=dst_assembly._asdict())] else: query = [Q(locations__match=location)] try: variant = self.VariantSpecies.objects( *query ).get() except DoesNotExist as e: logger.debug( f"Couldn't find '{record.chrom}:{record.position}' in " f"'{src_assembly}' assembly: {e}") self.skip_index(idx) # don't check location for missing SNP continue except MultipleObjectsReturned as e: # tecnically, I could return the first item I found in # my database. Skip, for the moment logger.debug( f"Got multiple records for position '{record.chrom}:" f"{record.position}' in '{src_assembly}'" f" assembly: {e}") self.skip_index(idx) # don't check location for missing SNP continue # get the proper locations and track it src_location = variant.get_location(**src_assembly._asdict()) self.src_locations.append(src_location) if dst_assembly: dst_location = variant.get_location(**dst_assembly._asdict()) self.dst_locations.append(dst_location) # track read from database (useful when searching # using probeset_id) self.variants_name.append( # for simplicity if not dst_assembly: self.dst_locations = self.src_locations logger.debug( f"collected {len(self.dst_locations)} using positions " f"in '{src_assembly}' assembly")
def _to_top( self, index: int, genotype: list, coding: str, location: Location) -> list: """ Check genotype with coding and returns illumina_top alleles Parameters ---------- index: int The i-th SNP received genotype : list The genotype as a list (ex: ['T', 'C']) coding : str The coding input type ('top', 'forward', ...) location : Location A smarterdb location used to check input genotype and coding and to return the corresponing illumina top genotype (ex ['A', 'G']) Raises ------ CodingException Raised when input genotype hasn't a match in the smarter database with the provided coding NotImplementedError A coding format not yet supported (implemented) Returns ------- list The illumina top genotype as a list (ex ['A', 'G']) """ # for semplicity a1, a2 = genotype # the returned value top_genotype = [] # define a dictionary with useful data config = { 'forward': { 'check': 'is_forward', 'convert': 'forward2top', 'message': ( f"Error for SNP {index}: '{self.mapdata[index].name}': " f"{a1}/{a2} <> {location.illumina_forward}" ), 'exception': ( f"SNP '{self.mapdata[index].name}' is " "not in illumina forward format" ) }, 'ab': { 'check': 'is_ab', 'convert': 'ab2top', 'message': ( f"Error for SNP {index}: '{self.mapdata[index].name}': " f"{a1}/{a2} <> A/B" ), 'exception': ( f"SNP '{self.mapdata[index].name}' is " "not in illumina ab format" ) }, 'affymetrix': { 'check': 'is_affymetrix', 'convert': 'affy2top', 'message': ( f"Error for SNP {index}: '{self.mapdata[index].name}': " f"{a1}/{a2} <> {location.affymetrix_ab}" ), 'exception': ( f"SNP '{self.mapdata[index].name}' is " "not in affymetrix format" ) }, 'illumina': { 'check': 'is_illumina', 'convert': 'illumina2top', 'message': ( f"Error for SNP {index}: '{self.mapdata[index].name}': " f"{a1}/{a2} <> {location.illumina}" ), 'exception': ( f"SNP '{self.mapdata[index].name}' is " "not in illumina format" ) } } if coding == 'top': if not location.is_top(genotype): logger.debug( f"Error for SNP {index}: '{self.mapdata[index].name}': " f"{a1}/{a2} <> {location.illumina_top}" ) raise CodingException( f"SNP '{self.mapdata[index].name}' is " "not in illumina top format") # allele coding is the same received as input top_genotype = genotype elif coding in config: # get the proper method to check genotype check = getattr(location, config[coding]['check']) if not check(genotype): logger.debug(config[coding]['message']) raise CodingException(config[coding]['exception']) # get the proper method to convert genotype convert = getattr(location, config[coding]['convert']) # change the allele coding top_genotype = convert(genotype) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Coding '{coding}' not supported") return top_genotype def _process_genotypes(self, line: list, coding: str, ignore_errors=False): new_line = line.copy() # ok now is time to update genotypes for i in range(len(self.mapdata)): # replacing the i-th genotypes. Skip 6 columns a1 = new_line[6+i*2] a2 = new_line[6+i*2+1] genotype = [a1, a2] # xor condition: if (a1 in ["0", "-"]) != (a2 in ["0", "-"]): logger.warning( f"Found half-missing SNP in {new_line[1]}: {i*2}: " f"[{a1}/{a2}]. Forcing SNP to be MISSING") new_line[6+i*2], new_line[6+i*2+1] = ["0", "0"] continue # is this snp filtered out if i in self.filtered: logger.debug( f"Skipping {self.mapdata[i].name}:[{a1}/{a2}] " "not in database!" ) continue # get the proper position location = self.src_locations[i] # check and return illumina top genotype try: top_genotype = self._to_top(i, genotype, coding, location) # replace alleles in ped line with top genotype new_line[6+i*2], new_line[6+i*2+1] = top_genotype except CodingException as e: if ignore_errors: # ok, replace with a missing genotype logger.debug( f"Ignoring code check in {new_line[1]}: {i*2}: " f"[{a1}/{a2}]. Forcing SNP to be MISSING") new_line[6+i*2], new_line[6+i*2+1] = ["0", "0"] continue else: # this is the normal case raise e return new_line def _check_file_sizes(self, line): # check genotypes size 2*mapdata (diploidy) + 6 extra columns: if len(line) != len(self.mapdata)*2 + 6: logger.critical( f"SNPs sizes don't match in '{self.mapfile}' " f"and '{self.pedfile}'") logger.critical("Please check file contents") raise PlinkIOException(".ped line size doens't match .map size") def _process_relationship(self, line, sample): # create a copy of the original object new_line = line.copy() # add father or mather to ped line (if I can) if str(line[2]) != '0': if sample.father_id: new_line[2] = sample.father_id.smarter_id else: logger.warning( f"Cannot resolve relationship for father {line[2]}") new_line[2] = '0' if str(line[3]) != '0': if sample.mother_id: new_line[3] = sample.mother_id.smarter_id else: logger.warning( f"Cannot resolve relationship for mother {line[3]}") new_line[3] = '0' return new_line def _process_pedline( self, line: list, dataset: Dataset, coding: str, create_sample: bool = False, sample_field: str = "original_id", ignore_coding_errors: bool = False): self._check_file_sizes(line) logger.debug(f"Processing {line[:10]+ ['...']}") # check for breed in database reling on fid. try: breed = self.search_breed(fid=line[0], dataset=dataset) except DoesNotExist: # it's possible that the breed exists but not with the desidered # dataset (maybe I want to skip it) logger.debug( f"Couldn't find breed_code '{line[0]}' for '{dataset}'") return None # check for sample in database sample = self.get_or_create_sample( line, dataset, breed, sample_field, create_sample) # if I couldn't find a registered sample (in such case) # i can skip such record if not sample: logger.debug( f"Couldn't find sample '{line[1]}' for '{dataset}'") return None # a new line obj new_line = line.copy() # updating ped line with smarter ids new_line[0] = breed.code new_line[1] = sample.smarter_id # replace relationship if possible new_line = self._process_relationship(new_line, sample) # check and fix genotypes if necessary new_line = self._process_genotypes( new_line, coding, ignore_coding_errors) # update ped line with sex accordingly to db informations if and int(new_line[4]) != logger.warning( f"Update sex for sample '{sample} {new_line[4]} -> " f"{}'") new_line[4] = str( # need to remove filtered snps from ped line for index in sorted(self.filtered, reverse=True): # index is snp position. Need to delete two fields del new_line[6+index*2+1] del new_line[6+index*2] return new_line
[docs] def update_pedfile( self, outputfile: str, dataset: Dataset, coding: str, create_samples: bool = False, sample_field: str = "original_id", ignore_coding_errors: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): """ Write a new pedfile relying on illumina_top genotypes and coordinates stored in smarter database Args: outputfile (str): write ped to this path (overwrite if exists) dataset (Dataset): the dataset we are converting coding (str): the source coding (could be 'top', 'ab', 'forward') create_samples (bool): create samples if not exist (useful to create samples directly from ped file) sample_field (str): search samples using this attribute (def. 'original_id') ignore_coding_errors (bool): ignore coding related errors (no more exceptions when genotypes don't match) """ if ignore_coding_errors: logger.warning( "Coding check is disabled! wrong genotypes will not " "throw errors!") with open(outputfile, "w") as target: writer = csv.writer( target, delimiter=' ', lineterminator="\n") processed = 0 for line in self.read_genotype_method( dataset=dataset, sample_field=sample_field, *args, **kwargs): # covert the ped line with the desidered format new_line = self._process_pedline( line, dataset, coding, create_samples, sample_field, ignore_coding_errors) if new_line: # write updated line into updated ped file logger.debug( f"Writing: {new_line[:10]+ ['...']} " f"({int((len(new_line)-6)/2)} SNPs)") writer.writerow(new_line) processed += 1 else: logger.warning( f"Skipping: {line[:10]+ ['...']} " f"({int((len(line)-6)/2)} SNPs)" )"Processed {processed} individuals")
# output file block # input file block
[docs]class FakePedMixin(): """Class which override SmarterMixin when creating a PED file from a non-plink file format. In this case the FID is already correct and I don't need to look for dataset aliases"""
[docs] def search_breed(self, fid, *args, **kwargs): """Get breed relying on provided FID and species class attribute""" breed = Breed.objects(code=fid, species=self.species).get() logger.debug(f"Found breed {breed}") return breed
[docs] def search_fid( self, sample_name: str, dataset: Dataset, sample_field: str = "original_id" ) -> str: """ Determine FID from smarter SampleSpecies breed Parameters ---------- sample_name : str The sample name. dataset : Dataset The dataset where the sample comes from. sample_field : str The field use to search sample name Returns ------- fid : str The FID used in the generated .ped file """ logger.debug( f"Searching fid for sample using {sample_field}: '{sample_name}, " "{dataset}'") # determine fid from sample, if not received as argument try: sample = self.SampleSpecies.objects.get( dataset=dataset, **{sample_field: sample_name} ) except DoesNotExist as e: logger.debug(e) raise SmarterDBException( f"Couldn't find sample '{sample_name}' in file " f"'{dataset.file}' using field'{sample_field}'" ) fid = sample.breed_code logger.debug( f"Found breed '{fid}' for '{sample_name}'") return fid
[docs]class TextPlinkIO(SmarterMixin): mapfile = None pedfile = None
[docs] def __init__( self, prefix: str = None, mapfile: str = None, pedfile: str = None, species: str = None, chip_name: str = None): # need to be set in order to write a genotype self.read_genotype_method = self.read_pedfile if prefix: self.mapfile = prefix + ".map" self.pedfile = prefix + ".ped" elif mapfile or pedfile: self.mapfile = mapfile self.pedfile = pedfile self.species = species self.chip_name = chip_name
[docs] def read_mapfile(self): """Read map data and track informations in memory. Useful to process data files""" self.mapdata = [] with open(self.mapfile) as handle: # affy files has both " " and "\t" in their files for line in handle: record = re.split('[ \t]+', line.strip()) # affy data may have comments in files if not record[0].startswith("#"): self.mapdata.append(MapRecord(*record))
[docs] def read_pedfile(self, *args, **kwargs): """Open pedfile for reading return iterator""" with open(self.pedfile) as handle: # affy files has both " " and "\t" in their files for record in handle: # affy data may have comments in files if record.startswith("#"):"Skipping {record}") continue line = re.split('[ \t]+', record.strip()) yield line
[docs] def get_samples(self) -> list: """ Get samples from genotype files Returns ------- list The sample list. """ sample_list = [] for line in self.read_pedfile(): sample_list.append(line[1]) return sample_list
[docs]class AffyPlinkIO(FakePedMixin, TextPlinkIO): """a new class for affymetrix plink files, which are slightly different from plink text files"""
[docs] def read_pedfile( self, breed: str = None, dataset: Dataset = None, *args, **kwargs): """ Open pedfile for reading return iterator breed : str, optional A breed to be assigned to all samples, or use the sample breed stored in database if not provided. The default is None. dataset : Dataset, optional A dataset in which search for sample breed identifier Yields ------ line : list A ped line read as a list. """ with open(self.pedfile) as handle: # affy files has both " " and "\t" in their files for record in handle: # affy data may have comments in files if record.startswith("#"):"Skipping {record}") continue line = re.split('[ \t]+', record.strip()) if not breed: fid = self.search_fid(line[0], dataset) else: fid = breed # affy ped lacks of plink columns. add such value to line line.insert(0, fid) # FID line.insert(2, '0') # father line.insert(3, '0') # mother line.insert(4, '0') # SEX line.insert(5, '-9') # phenotype yield line
[docs] def get_samples(self) -> list: """ Get samples from genotype files Returns ------- list The sample list. """ sample_list = [] with open(self.pedfile) as handle: # affy files has both " " and "\t" in their files for record in handle: # affy data may have comments in files if record.startswith("#"):"Skipping {record}") continue line = re.split('[ \t]+', record.strip()) sample_list.append(line[0]) return sample_list
[docs]class BinaryPlinkIO(SmarterMixin): plink_file = None _prefix = None
[docs] def __init__( self, prefix: str = None, species: str = None, chip_name: str = None): # need to be set in order to write a genotype self.read_genotype_method = self.read_pedfile self.prefix = prefix self.species = species self.chip_name = chip_name
@property def prefix(self): return self._prefix @prefix.setter def prefix(self, prefix: str): if prefix: self._prefix = prefix self.plink_file =
[docs] def read_mapfile(self): """Read map data and track informations in memory. Useful to process data files""" self.mapdata = list() for locus in self.plink_file.get_loci(): record = MapRecord( chrom=locus.chromosome,, position=locus.bp_position, cm=locus.position ) self.mapdata.append(record)
[docs] def read_pedfile(self, *args, **kwargs): """Open pedfile for reading return iterator""" sample_list = self.plink_file.get_samples() locus_list = self.plink_file.get_loci() snp_arrays = list(self.plink_file) def format_sex(value): if value in [1, 2]: return str(value) else: return "0" def convert(genotype, locus): # in binary format, allele2 is REF allele1 ALT if genotype == 0: return locus.allele1, locus.allele1 elif genotype == 1: return locus.allele2, locus.allele1 elif genotype == 2: return locus.allele2, locus.allele2 elif genotype == 3: return "0", "0" else: raise CodingException("Genotype %s Not supported" % genotype) # determine genotype length size = 6 + 2*len(self.mapdata) for sample_idx, sample in enumerate(sample_list): # this will be the returned row line = ["0"] * size # set values. I need to set a breed code in order to get a # proper ped line line[0:6] = [ sample.fid, sample.iid, sample.father_iid, sample.mother_iid, format_sex(, str(int(sample.phenotype)) ] for idx, locus in enumerate(locus_list): genotype = snp_arrays[idx][sample_idx] line[6+idx*2], line[6+idx*2+1] = convert(genotype, locus) yield line
[docs] def get_samples(self) -> list: """ Get samples from genotype files Returns ------- list The sample list. """ return [sample.iid for sample in self.plink_file.get_samples()]
[docs]class IlluminaReportIO(FakePedMixin, SmarterMixin): snpfile = None report = None
[docs] def __init__( self, snpfile: str = None, report: str = None, species: str = None, chip_name: str = None): # need to be set in order to write a genotype self.read_genotype_method = self.read_reportfile self.snpfile = snpfile = report self.species = species self.chip_name = chip_name
[docs] def read_snpfile(self): """Read snp data and track informations in memory. Useful to process data files""" self.mapdata = list(read_snpList(self.snpfile))
# this will be called when calling read_genotype_method()
[docs] def read_reportfile( self, breed: str = None, dataset: Dataset = None, *args, **kwargs): """ Open and read an illumina report file. Returns iterator Parameters ---------- breed : str, optional A breed to be assigned to all samples, or use the sample breed stored in database if not provided. The default is None. dataset : Dataset, optional A dataset in which search for sample breed identifier Raises ------ IlluminaReportException Raised when SNPs index doesn't match snpfile. Yields ------ line : list A ped line read as a list. """ # determine genotype length size = 6 + 2*len(self.mapdata) # track sample last_sample = None # need to have snp indexes indexes = [ for record in self.mapdata] # this will be the returned row line = list() # this is the snp position index idx = 0 # try to returns something like a ped row for row in read_illuminaRow( if row.sample_id != last_sample: logger.debug(f"Reading sample {row.sample_id}") # this is not returned if I'm processing the first sample if last_sample: yield line # initialize an empty array line = ["0"] * size if not breed: fid = self.search_fid(row.sample_id, dataset) else: fid = breed # set values. I need to set a breed code in order to get a # proper ped line line[0], line[1], line[5] = fid, row.sample_id, "-9" # track last sample last_sample = row.sample_id # reset index idx = 0 # check snp name consistency if indexes[idx] != row.snp_name: raise IlluminaReportException( f"snp positions doens't match " f"{indexes[idx]}<>{row.snp_name}" ) # update line relying on records line[6+idx*2], line[6+idx*2+1] = row.allele1_ab, row.allele2_ab # updating indexes idx += 1 # after completing rows, I need to return last one yield line
[docs] def get_samples(self) -> list: """ Get samples from genotype files Returns ------- list The sample list. """ sample_list = [] last_sample = None for row in read_illuminaRow( if row.sample_id != last_sample: sample_list.append(row.sample_id) last_sample = row.sample_id return sample_list
[docs]class AffyReportIO(FakePedMixin, SmarterMixin): """In this type of file there are both genotypes and informations. Moreover genotypes are *transposed*, traking SNP for all samples in a simple line""" report = None peddata = [] delimiter = "\t" warn_missing_cols = True header = [] n_samples = None
[docs] def __init__( self, report: str = None, species: str = None, chip_name: str = None): # need to be set in order to write a genotype self.read_genotype_method = self.read_peddata = report self.species = species self.chip_name = chip_name
def __get_header(self): # sample names are sanitized through read_affymetrixRow: so read the # first header of the report file to determine the original sample # names with text_or_gzip_open( as handle: position, skipped = skip_comments(handle) # go back to header section # now read csv file reader = csv.reader(handle, delimiter=self.delimiter) # get header self.header = next(reader) def __warn_missing_column(self, row, columns=[]): if self.warn_missing_cols: for col in columns: if not hasattr(row, col): logger.warning( f"Missing '{col}' column in reportfile!") def __process_probeset(self, row, snp_idx): # track SNP in mapdata try: self.mapdata.append(MapRecord( row.chr_id, row.probeset_id, 0, row.start)) except AttributeError as exc: logger.debug(exc) self.__warn_missing_column(row, ["chr_id", "start"]) # maybe there are missing columns, try to define a MapRecord # with at least probeset id self.mapdata.append(MapRecord( 0, row.probeset_id, 0, 0)) # track A/B genotype try: self.genotypes.append(f"{row.allele_a}/{row.allele_b}") except AttributeError as exc: logger.debug(exc) self.__warn_missing_column(row, ["allele_a", "allele_b"]) # track a missing genotype self.genotypes.append("-/-") # track genotypes in the proper column (skip the first 6 columns) for i in range(self.n_samples): call = row[i+1] # mind to missing values if call == "NoCall": logger.debug( f"Skipping SNP {snp_idx}: " f"'{self.mapdata[snp_idx].name}' for sample " f"'{self.header[i+1]}' ({call})") continue genotype = list(call) self.peddata[i][6+snp_idx*2] = genotype[0] self.peddata[i][6+snp_idx*2+1] = genotype[1]
[docs] def read_reportfile(self, n_samples: int = None, *args, **kwargs): """ Read reportfile once and generate mapdata and pedata, with genotype informations by sample. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int, optional Limit to N samples. Useful when there are different number of samples from reported in file. The default is None (read number of samples from reportfile). Returns ------- None. """ self.mapdata = [] self.peddata = [] if n_samples: logger.warning(f"Limiting import to first {n_samples} samples") # update samples number with received argument self.n_samples = n_samples # I want to track also the AB genotypes, to check them while fetching # coordinates self.genotypes = [] # those informations are required to define the pedfile n_snps = None size = None initialized = False # an index to track SNP accross peddata snp_idx = 0 # warning user once self.warn_missing_cols = True # try to returns something like a ped row and derive map data in the # same time for row in read_affymetrixRow(, delimiter=self.delimiter): # first determine how many SNPs and samples I have if not initialized: if not self.n_samples: self.n_samples = row.n_samples n_snps = row.n_snps # read the original header from report file self.__get_header() # ok create a ped data object with the required dimensions size = 6 + 2 * n_snps self.peddata = [["0"] * size for i in range(self.n_samples)] # track sample names in row. First column is probeset id # read them from the original header row for i in range(self.n_samples): self.peddata[i][1] = self.header[i+1] # change flag value initialized = True # deal with a single probeset_id self.__process_probeset(row, snp_idx) # update SNP column snp_idx += 1 # no more reporting warnings after first row self.warn_missing_cols = False # check for n of snp after processing reportfile if snp_idx != n_snps: logger.warning( f"Got a different number of SNPs {snp_idx}<>{n_snps}.") if snp_idx < n_snps: logger.warning("Dropping unused SNPs") # determining the proper size size = 6 + 2 * snp_idx for i, line in enumerate(self.peddata): self.peddata[i] = line[:size] else: raise AffyReportException( f"Got a different number of SNPs {snp_idx}<>{n_snps}")
[docs] def fetch_coordinates( self, src_assembly: AssemblyConf, dst_assembly: AssemblyConf = None, search_field: str = "name", chip_name: str = None, skip_check: bool = False): """Search for variants in smarter database. Check if the provided A/B information is equal to the database content Args: src_assembly (AssemblyConf): the source data assembly version dst_assembly (AssemblyConf): the destination data assembly version search_field (str): search variant by field (def. "name") chip_name (str): limit search to this chip_name skip_check (bool): skipp coordinate check """ # call base method super().fetch_coordinates( src_assembly, dst_assembly, search_field, chip_name) # now check that genotypes read from report are equal to src_assembly for idx, genotype in enumerate(self.genotypes): if idx in self.filtered: # this genotype is discared continue if (not skip_check and genotype != self.src_locations[idx].affymetrix_ab): raise AffyReportException( "Genotypes differ from reportfile and src_assembly")
[docs] def read_peddata( self, breed: str = None, dataset: Dataset = None, sample_field: str = "original_id", *args, **kwargs): """ Yields over genotype record. Parameters ---------- breed : str, optional A breed to be assigned to all samples, or use the sample breed stored in database if not provided. The default is None. dataset : Dataset, optional A dataset in which search for sample breed identifier sample_field : str, optional Search samples using this field. The default is "original_id". Yields ------ line : list A ped line read as a list. """ for line in self.peddata: # instantiate a new object in order to be modified line = line.copy() logger.debug(f"Prepare {line[:10]+ ['...']} to add FID") if not breed: try: fid = self.search_fid( sample_name=line[1], dataset=dataset, sample_field=sample_field) except SmarterDBException as e: logger.debug(e) logger.warning( f"Ignoring sample '{line[1]}': not in database") continue else: fid = breed # set values. I need to set a breed code in order to get a # proper ped line line[0], line[5] = fid, "-9" yield line
[docs] def get_samples(self) -> list: """ Get samples from genotype files Returns ------- list The sample list. """ sample_list = [] for line in self.peddata: sample_list.append(line[1]) return sample_list
def plink_binary_exists(prefix: Path): "Test if plink binary files exists" for ext in [".bed", ".bim", ".fam"]: # HINT Path.with_suffix will replace the extension test = prefix.parent / ( + ext) if not test.exists(): return False # if I arrive here, all plink binary output files exists return True