Source code for src.features.smarterdb

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Feb 23 16:21:35 2021

@author: Paolo Cozzi <>

import os
import logging
import pathlib
import pycountry
import mongoengine

from enum import Enum
from typing import Union

from pymongo import database, ReturnDocument, MongoClient
from dotenv import find_dotenv, load_dotenv

from .utils import get_project_dir, UnknownCountry

    "Sheep": "OA",
    "Goat": "CH"

SMARTERDB = "smarter"
DB_ALIAS = "smarterdb"

# Get an instance of a logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SmarterDBException(Exception): pass
[docs]def global_connection(database_name: str = SMARTERDB) -> MongoClient: """ Establish a connection to the SMARTER database. Reads environment parameters using :py:func:`load_dotenv`, returns a MongoClient object. Parameters ---------- database_name : str, optional The smarter database. The default is 'smarter'. Returns ------- CLIENT : MongoClient a mongoclient instance. """ global CLIENT if not CLIENT: # find .env automagically by walking up directories until it's found, # then load up the .env entries as environment variables load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) # track connection somewhere CLIENT = mongoengine.connect( database_name, username=os.getenv("MONGODB_SMARTER_USER"), password=os.getenv("MONGODB_SMARTER_PASS"), host=os.getenv("MONGODB_SMARTER_HOST", default="localhost"), port=os.getenv("MONGODB_SMARTER_PORT", default=27017), authentication_source='admin', alias=DB_ALIAS, uuidRepresentation="standard") return CLIENT
[docs]def complement(genotype: str) -> str: """ Return reverse complement for a base call Parameters ---------- genotype : str A base call (one from `A`, `T`, `G`, `C`). Returns ------- result : str The reverse complement of the base call. """ bases = { "A": "T", "T": "A", "C": "G", "G": "C", "/": "/" } result = "" for base in genotype: result += bases[base] return result
[docs]class SmarterInfo(mongoengine.Document): """A class to track database status informations""" id = mongoengine.StringField(primary_key=True) version = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The SMARTER-database version""" working_assemblies = mongoengine.DictField() """A dictionary in which managed assemblies are tracked""" plink_specie_opt = mongoengine.DictField() """The plink parameters used to generate the final genotype dataset""" last_updated = mongoengine.DateTimeField() """When the SMARTER-database was updated for the last time""" meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'smarterInfo' } def __str__(self): return f"{}: {self.version} ({self.last_updated})"
[docs]class Counter(mongoengine.Document): """A class to deal with counter collection (created when initializing smarter database) and used to define SMARTER IDs """ id = mongoengine.StringField(primary_key=True) sequence_value = mongoengine.IntField(required=True, default=0) meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'counters' } def __str__(self): return f"{}: {self.sequence_value}"
[docs]class Country(mongoengine.Document): """A helper class to deal with countries object. Each record is created after data import, when database status is updated""" alpha_2 = mongoengine.StringField( required=True, unique=True, min_length=2, max_length=2) """Country 2 letter code (used to derive SMARTER IDs)""" alpha_3 = mongoengine.StringField( required=True, unique=True, min_length=3, max_length=3) """Country 3 letter code""" name = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, unique=True) """The Country name""" numeric = mongoengine.IntField(unique=True) """The country numeric code""" official_name = mongoengine.StringField() """Country ufficial name""" species = mongoengine.ListField(mongoengine.StringField()) """The sample species find within this country""" meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'countries' }
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = None, *args, **kwargs): # fix species type if necessary if "species" in kwargs: if type(kwargs["species"]) == str: kwargs["species"] = [kwargs["species"]] # initialize base object super(Country, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if name: # get a country object if name.lower() == "unknown": country = UnknownCountry() else: country = pycountry.countries.get(name=name) self.alpha_2 = country.alpha_2 self.alpha_3 = country.alpha_3 = name self.numeric = country.numeric if hasattr(country, "official_name"): self.official_name = country.official_name
def __str__(self): return f"{} ({self.alpha_2})"
[docs]class SupportedChip(mongoengine.Document): """A class to deal with SMARTER-database managed chips""" name = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, unique=True) """The chip identifier""" species = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The species for which a chip is defined""" manifacturer = mongoengine.StringField() """Who created the chip""" n_of_snps = mongoengine.IntField() """How many SNPs are described within this chip""" meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'supportedChips' } def __str__(self): return f"'{}' ({self.species})"
[docs]class BreedAlias(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument): """Required to describe the breed and code used in a certain dataset in order to resolve the final breed to be used in SMARTER-database""" fid = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The breed Family ID used in genotype file""" dataset = mongoengine.ReferenceField( 'Dataset', db_field="dataset_id") """The dataset ``ObjectID`` in which this BreedAlias is used""" country = mongoengine.StringField() """The country of the breed in the dataset. Used in multi country datasets""" def __str__(self): return f"{self.fid}: {self.dataset}"
[docs]class Breed(mongoengine.Document): species = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The breed species. Should be one of ``Goat`` or ``Sheep``""" name = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The breed name""" code = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The breed code""" aliases = mongoengine.ListField( mongoengine.EmbeddedDocumentField(BreedAlias)) """A list of :py:class:`BreedAlias` objects. Required to determine the SMARTER-database breed from the genotype file (which can use a different breed name or code)""" n_individuals = mongoengine.IntField() """How many samples are the same breed""" meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'breeds', 'indexes': [ { 'fields': [ "species", "code" ], 'unique': True, 'collation': {'locale': 'en', 'strength': 1} }, { 'fields': [ "species", "name" ], 'unique': True, 'collation': {'locale': 'en', 'strength': 1} } ] } def __str__(self): return f"{} ({self.code}) {self.species}"
[docs]def get_or_create_breed( species_class: str, name: str, code: str, aliases: list = []) -> [ Breed, bool]: """ Get a Breed instance or create a new one (or update a breed adding a new :py:class:`BreedAlias`) Parameters ---------- species_class : str The class of the species (should be 'Goat' or 'Sheep') name : str The breed full name. code : str The breed code (unique in Sheep and Goats collections). aliases : list, optional A list of :py:class:`BreedAlias` objects. The default is []. Raises ------ SmarterDBException Raised if the breed is not Unique. Returns ------- breed : Breed A :py:class:`Breed` instance. modified : bool True is breed is created (or alias updated). """ logger.debug(f"Checking: '{species_class}':'{name}':'{code}'") # get a breed object relying on parameters qs = Breed.objects(species=species_class, name=name, code=code) modified = False if qs.count() == 1: breed = qs.get() logger.debug(f"Got {breed}") for alias in aliases: if alias not in breed.aliases: # track for update modified = True"Adding '{alias}' to '{breed}' aliases") breed.aliases.append(alias) elif qs.count() == 0: logger.debug("Create a new breed object") modified = True breed = Breed( species=species_class, name=name, code=code, aliases=aliases, n_individuals=0 ) else: # should never see this relying on collection unique keys raise SmarterDBException( f"Got {qs.count()} results for '{species_class}':'{name}': " f"'{code}'") if modified: logger.debug(f"Save '{breed}' to database") return breed, modified
[docs]class Dataset(mongoengine.Document): """Describe a dataset instace with fields owned by data types""" file = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, unique=True) """The source dataset file""" uploader = mongoengine.StringField() """The partner which upload this dataset""" size_ = mongoengine.StringField(db_field="size") """The file size""" partner = mongoengine.StringField() """The partner which owns the dataset""" # HINT: should country, species and breeds be a list of items? country = mongoengine.StringField() """The country where the data come from. Could have many values""" species = mongoengine.StringField() """The species of the data. Could be 'Sheep' or 'Goat'""" breed = mongoengine.StringField() """The breed of the dataset. Could have many values""" n_of_individuals = mongoengine.IntField() """Number of individual in the dataset""" n_of_records = mongoengine.IntField() """Number of the record in the phenotype file""" trait = mongoengine.StringField() """Trait described in phenotype file""" gene_array = mongoengine.StringField() """The technology used to generate data specified by the partner""" # add type tag type_ = mongoengine.ListField(mongoengine.StringField(), db_field="type") """Dataset type. Need to be one from ``['genotypes', 'phenotypes]`` and one from ``['background', 'foreground']``""" # file contents contents = mongoengine.ListField(mongoengine.StringField()) """Dataset contents as a list""" # track the original chip_name with dataset chip_name = mongoengine.StringField() """The :py:class:`` attribute of the technology used""" doi = mongoengine.URLField() """The publication DOI of this dataset""" meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'dataset' } def __str__(self): return f"file={self.file}, uploader={self.uploader}" @property def working_dir(self) -> pathlib.PosixPath: """returns the locations of dataset working directory. Could exists or not Returns: pathlib.PosixPath: a subdirectory in /data/interim/ """ if not raise SmarterDBException( "Can't define working dir. Object need to be stored in " "database") return get_project_dir() / f"data/interim/{}" @property def result_dir(self) -> pathlib.PosixPath: """returns the locations of dataset processed directory. Could exists or not Returns: pathlib.PosixPath: a subdirectory in /data/processed/ """ if not raise SmarterDBException( "Can't define result dir. Object need to be stored in " "database") return get_project_dir() / f"data/processed/{}"
[docs]def getNextSequenceValue( sequence_name: str, mongodb: database.Database): """Read from :py:class:`Counter` collection and determine the next sequence number to be used for the SMARTER ID""" # this method is something similar to findAndModify, # update a document and after get the UPDATED document # sequenceDocument = mongodb.counters.find_one_and_update( {"_id": sequence_name}, {"$inc": {"sequence_value": 1}}, return_document=ReturnDocument.AFTER ) return sequenceDocument['sequence_value']
[docs]def getSmarterId( species_class: str, country: str, breed: str) -> str: """ Generate a new SMARTER ID object using the internal counter collections Parameters ---------- species_class : str The class of the species (should be 'Goat' or 'Sheep'). country : str The country name of the sample. breed : str The breed name of the sample. Raises ------ SmarterDBException Raised when passing a wrong species or no one. Returns ------- str A new smarter_id. """ # this should be the connection I made global SMARTERDB, SPECIES2CODE # species_class, country and breed shold be defined if not species_class or not country or not breed: raise SmarterDBException( "species, country and breed should be defined when calling " "getSmarterId" ) # get species code if species_class not in SPECIES2CODE: raise SmarterDBException( "Species %s not managed by smarter" % (species_class)) species_code = SPECIES2CODE[species_class] # get a country object if country.lower() == "unknown": country = UnknownCountry() else: country = pycountry.countries.get(name=country) # get two letter code for country country_code = country.alpha_2 # get breed code from database database = mongoengine.connection.get_db(alias=DB_ALIAS) breed_code = database.breeds.find_one( {"species": species_class, "name": breed})["code"] # derive sequence_name from species_class sequence_name = f"sample{species_class}" # get the sequence number and define smarter id sequence_id = getNextSequenceValue( sequence_name, database) # padding numbers sequence_id = str(sequence_id).zfill(9) smarter_id = f"{country_code}{species_code}-{breed_code}-{sequence_id}" return smarter_id
[docs]class SEX(bytes, Enum): """An enum object to manage Sample sex in the same way as plink does""" UNKNOWN = (0, "Unknown") MALE = (1, "Male") FEMALE = (2, "Female") def __new__(cls, value, label): obj = bytes.__new__(cls, [value]) obj._value_ = value obj.label = label return obj def __str__(self): return self.label
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, value: str): """Get proper type relying on input string Args: value (str): required sex as string Returns: SEX: A sex instance (MALE, FEMALE, UNKNOWN) """ if type(value) != str: raise SmarterDBException("Provided value should be a 'str' type") value = value.upper() if value in ['M', 'MALE', "1"]: return cls.MALE elif value in ['F', 'FEMALE', "2"]: return cls.FEMALE else: logger.debug( f"Unmanaged sex '{value}': return '{cls.UNKNOWN}'") return cls.UNKNOWN
[docs]class Phenotype(mongoengine.DynamicEmbeddedDocument): """A class to deal with phenotypes. This is a dynamic document and not a generic DictField since there can be attributes which could be enforced to have certain values. All other attributes could be set without any assumptions """ purpose = mongoengine.StringField() chest_girth = mongoengine.FloatField() height = mongoengine.FloatField() length = mongoengine.FloatField() def __str__(self): return f"{self.to_json()}"
[docs]class SAMPLETYPE(Enum): """A simple Enum object to define sample type (``background`` or ``foreground``)""" FOREGROUND = 'foreground' BACKGROUND = 'background'
[docs]class SampleSpecies(mongoengine.Document): """A generic class used to manage Goat or Sheep samples""" original_id = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The sample original ID in the source dataset""" smarter_id = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, unique=True) """A SMARTER unique and stable identifier""" country = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """Where this samples comes from""" # generic species type (required to derive other stuff) species_class = None """A generic species (Sheep or Goat). Used to determine specific methods and to identify the proper data from the database""" breed = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The breed full name""" breed_code = mongoengine.StringField(min_length=2) """The breed code""" # this will be a original_id alias (a different sample name in original # data file) alias = mongoengine.StringField() """This is a sample alias, mainly the name used in the genotype file, which can be different from the name specified in the metadata file""" # required to search a sample relying only on original ID dataset = mongoengine.ReferenceField( Dataset, db_field="dataset_id", reverse_delete_rule=mongoengine.DENY ) """The dataset where this sample come from""" # add type tag type_ = mongoengine.EnumField(SAMPLETYPE, db_field="type", required=True) """A :py:class:`SAMPLETYPE` instance (ie, ``background`` or ``foreground`` """ # track the original chip_name with sample chip_name = mongoengine.StringField() """The chip name used to define this sample""" # define enum types for sex sex = mongoengine.EnumField(SEX) """A :py:class:`SEX` instance. Store sex like plink does""" # GPS location # NOTE: X, Y where X is longitude, Y latitude locations = mongoengine.fields.MultiPointField( auto_index=True, default=None) """The sample GPS location as a Point (X, Y -> longitude, latitude). Mind that a location is specified in latitude and longitude coordinates. Specifying coordinates header in general is useful to avoid errors""" # additional (not modelled) metadata metadata = mongoengine.DictField(default=None) """Additional metadata (not managed via ORM)""" # for phenotypes phenotype = mongoengine.EmbeddedDocumentField(Phenotype, default=None) """A :py:class:`Phenotype` instance""" meta = { 'abstract': True, 'indexes': [ [("locations", "2dsphere")] ] }
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Custom save method. Deal with smarter_id before save""" if not self.smarter_id: logger.debug(f"Determining smarter id for {self.original_id}") # even is species, country and breed are required fields for # SampleSpecies document, their value will not be evaluated until # super().save() is called. I can't call it before determining # a smarter_id self.smarter_id = getSmarterId( self.species_class,, self.breed) # default save method super(SampleSpecies, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
def __str__(self): return f"{self.smarter_id} ({self.breed})"
[docs]class SampleSheep(SampleSpecies): """A class specific for Sheep samples""" species = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, default="Ovis aries") """The species name. Could be something different from ``Ovis aries``""" # generic species type (required to derive other stuff) species_class = "Sheep" """The generic specie class""" # try to model relationship between samples father_id = mongoengine.LazyReferenceField( 'SampleSheep', passthrough=True, reverse_delete_rule=mongoengine.NULLIFY ) """The father (SIRE) of this animal. Is a reference to another SampleSheep instance""" mother_id = mongoengine.LazyReferenceField( 'SampleSheep', passthrough=True, reverse_delete_rule=mongoengine.NULLIFY ) """The mother (DAM) of this animal. Is a reference to another SampleSheep instance""" meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'sampleSheep' }
[docs]class SampleGoat(SampleSpecies): """A class specific for Goat samples""" species = mongoengine.StringField(required=True, default="Capra hircus") """The species name. Could be something different from ``Capra hircus``""" # generic species type (required to derive other stuff) species_class = "Goat" """The generic specie class""" # try to model relationship between samples father_id = mongoengine.LazyReferenceField( 'SampleGoat', passthrough=True, reverse_delete_rule=mongoengine.NULLIFY ) """The father (SIRE) of this animal. Is a reference to another SampleGoat instance""" mother_id = mongoengine.LazyReferenceField( 'SampleGoat', passthrough=True, reverse_delete_rule=mongoengine.NULLIFY ) """The mother (DAM) of this animal. Is a reference to another SampleGoat instance""" meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'sampleGoat' }
[docs]def get_or_create_sample( SampleSpecies: Union[SampleGoat, SampleSheep], original_id: str, dataset: Dataset, type_: str, breed: Breed, country: str, species: str = None, chip_name: str = None, sex: SEX = None, alias: str = None) -> list[Union[SampleGoat, SampleSheep], bool]: """ Get or create a sample providing attributes (search for original_id in provided dataset Parameters ---------- SampleSpecies : Union[SampleGoat, SampleSheep] the class required for insert/update. original_id : str the original_id in the dataset. dataset : Dataset the dataset instance used to register sample. type_ : str sample type. "background" or "foreground" are the only values accepted breed : Breed a :py:class:`Breed` instance. country : str the country where the sample comes from. species : str, optional The sample species. If None, the default `species_class` attribute will be used chip_name : str, optional the chip name. The default is None. sex : SEX, optional A :py:class:`SEX` instance. The default is None. alias : str, optional an original_id alias. Could be the name used in the genotype file, which could be different from the original_id. The default is None. Raises ------ SmarterDBException Raised multiple samples are returned (should never happen). Returns ------- Union[SampleGoat, SampleSheep] a SampleSpecies instance. created : bool True is sample is created. """ created = False # coerce alias as integer (if any) if alias: alias = str(alias) # search for sample in database qs = SampleSpecies.objects( original_id=original_id, breed_code=breed.code, dataset=dataset, alias=alias) if qs.count() == 1: logger.debug(f"Sample '{original_id}', alias: '{alias}' " "found in database") sample = qs.get() elif qs.count() == 0: # insert sample into database"Registering sample '{original_id}' in database") sample = SampleSpecies( original_id=original_id, country=country, species=species,, breed_code=breed.code, dataset=dataset, type_=type_, chip_name=chip_name, sex=sex, alias=alias ) logger.debug( f"Created sample '{sample}' with original_id: '{original_id}', " f"country: '{country}', species: '{species}', breed: " f"'{}', breed_code: '{breed.code}', dataset: " f"'{dataset}', type: '{type_}', chip_name: '{chip_name}', " f"sex: '{sex}', alias: '{alias}'" ) # incrementing breed n_individuals counter breed.n_individuals += 1 created = True else: raise SmarterDBException( f"Got {qs.count()} results for '{original_id}'") return sample, created
[docs]def get_sample_type(dataset: Dataset): """ test if foreground or background dataset Args: dataset (Dataset): the dataset instance used to register sample Returns: str: sample type ("background" or "foreground") """ type_ = None for sampletype in SAMPLETYPE: if sampletype.value in dataset.type_: logger.debug( f"Found {sampletype.value} in {dataset.type_}") type_ = sampletype.value break return type_
[docs]class Consequence(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument): """A class to manage SNP consequences. Not yet implemented""" pass
[docs]class Location(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument): """A class to deal with a SNP location (ie position in an assembly for a certain chip or data source)""" ss_id = mongoengine.StringField() """The SNP subission ID""" version = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The assembly version where this SNP is placed""" chrom = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The chromosome where this SNP is located""" position = mongoengine.IntField(required=True) """The SNP position""" alleles = mongoengine.StringField() """The dbSNP alleles of such SNP""" illumina = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The SNP code read as it is from illumina data""" illumina_forward = mongoengine.StringField() """The SNP code in illumina forward coding""" illumina_strand = mongoengine.StringField() """The probe orientation in alignment""" affymetrix_ab = mongoengine.StringField() """The SNP code read as it is from affymetrix data""" strand = mongoengine.StringField() """The strand orientation in aligment""" imported_from = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """The source of the SNP data""" # this could be the manifactured date or the last updated date = mongoengine.DateTimeField() """Track manifactured date or when this data was last updated""" consequences = mongoengine.ListField( mongoengine.EmbeddedDocumentField(Consequence), default=None) """A list of SNP consequences (not yet implemented)"""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): illumina_top = None # remove illumina top from arguments if 'illumina_top' in kwargs: illumina_top = kwargs.pop('illumina_top') # initialize base object super(Location, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fix illumina top if necessary if illumina_top: self.illumina_top = illumina_top
@property def illumina_top(self): """Return genotype in illumina top format""" if self.illumina_strand in ['BOT', 'bottom']: return complement(self.illumina) elif (not self.illumina_strand or self.illumina_strand in ['TOP', 'top']): return self.illumina else: raise SmarterDBException( f"{self.illumina_strand} not managed") @illumina_top.setter def illumina_top(self, genotype: str): if (not self.illumina_strand or self.illumina_strand in ['TOP', 'top']): self.illumina = genotype elif self.illumina_strand in ['BOT', 'bottom']: self.illumina = complement(genotype) else: raise SmarterDBException( f"{self.illumina_strand} not managed") def __str__(self): return ( f"({self.imported_from}:{self.version}) " f"{self.chrom}:{self.position} [{self.illumina_top}]" ) def __eq__(self, other): if super().__eq__(other): return True else: # check by positions for attribute in ["chrom", "position"]: if getattr(self, attribute) != getattr(other, attribute): return False # check genotype equality if self.illumina_top != other.illumina_top: return False return True def __check_coding(self, genotype: list, coding: str, missing: str): """Internal method to check genotype coding""" if not getattr(self, coding): raise SmarterDBException( f"There's no information for '{coding}' in '{self}'") # get illumina data as an array data = getattr(self, coding).split("/") for allele in genotype: # mind to missing values. If missing can't be equal to illumina_top if allele in missing: continue if allele not in data: return False return True
[docs] def is_top(self, genotype: list, missing: list = ["0", "-"]) -> bool: """Return True if genotype is compatible with illumina TOP coding Args: genotype (list): a list of two alleles (ex ['A','C']) missing (list): a list of missing allele strings (def ["0", "-"]) Returns: bool: True if in top coding """ return self.__check_coding(genotype, "illumina_top", missing)
[docs] def is_forward(self, genotype: list, missing: list = ["0", "-"]) -> bool: """Return True if genotype is compatible with illumina FORWARD coding Args: genotype (list): a list of two alleles (ex ['A','C']) missing (list): a list of missing allele strings (def ["0", "-"]) Returns: bool: True if in forward coding """ return self.__check_coding(genotype, "illumina_forward", missing)
[docs] def is_ab(self, genotype: list, missing: list = ["0", "-"]) -> bool: """Return True if genotype is compatible with illumina AB coding Args: genotype (list): a list of two alleles (ex ['A','B']) missing (list): a list of missing allele strings (def ["0", "-"]) Returns: bool: True if in AB coding """ for allele in genotype: # mind to missing valies if allele not in ["A", "B"] + missing: return False return True
[docs] def is_affymetrix( self, genotype: list, missing: list = ["0", "-"]) -> bool: """Return True if genotype is compatible with affymetrix coding Args: genotype (list): a list of two alleles (ex ['A','C']) missing (list): a list of missing allele strings (def ["0", "-"]) Returns: bool: True if in affymetrix AB coding """ return self.__check_coding(genotype, "affymetrix_ab", missing)
[docs] def is_illumina( self, genotype: list, missing: list = ["0", "-"]) -> bool: """Return True if genotype is compatible with illumina coding (as it's recorded in manifest) Args: genotype (list): a list of two alleles (ex ['A','C']) missing (list): a list of missing allele strings (def ["0", "-"]) Returns: bool: True if in affymetrix AB coding """ return self.__check_coding(genotype, "illumina", missing)
[docs] def forward2top(self, genotype: list, missing: list = ["0", "-"]) -> list: """Convert an illumina forward SNP in a illumina top snp Args: genotype (list): a list of two alleles (ex ['A','C']) missing (list): a list of missing allele strings (def ["0", "-"]) Returns: list: The genotype in top format """ # get illumina data as an array forward = self.illumina_forward.split("/") top = self.illumina_top.split("/") result = [] for allele in genotype: # mind to missing values if allele in missing: result.append("0") elif allele not in forward: raise SmarterDBException( f"{genotype} is not in forward coding") else: result.append(top[forward.index(allele)]) return result
[docs] def ab2top(self, genotype: list, missing: list = ["0", "-"]) -> list: """Convert an illumina ab SNP in a illumina top snp Args: genotype (list): a list of two alleles (ex ['A','B']) missing (list): a list of missing allele strings (def ["0", "-"]) Returns: list: The genotype in top format """ # get illumina data as a dict top = self.illumina_top.split("/") top = {"A": top[0], "B": top[1]} result = [] for allele in genotype: # mind to missing values if allele in missing: result.append("0") elif allele not in ["A", "B"]: raise SmarterDBException( f"{genotype} is not in ab coding") else: result.append(top[allele]) return result
[docs] def affy2top(self, genotype: list, missing: list = ["0", "-"]) -> list: """Convert an affymetrix SNP in a illumina top snp Args: genotype (list): a list of two alleles (ex ['A','C']) missing (list): a list of missing allele strings (def ["0", "-"]) Returns: list: The genotype in top format """ # get illumina data as an array affymetrix = self.affymetrix_ab.split("/") top = self.illumina_top.split("/") result = [] for allele in genotype: # mind to missing values if allele in missing: result.append("0") elif allele not in affymetrix: raise SmarterDBException( f"{genotype} is not in affymetrix coding") else: result.append(top[affymetrix.index(allele)]) return result
[docs] def illumina2top(self, genotype: list, missing: list = ["0", "-"]) -> list: """Convert an illumina SNP in a illumina top snp Args: genotype (list): a list of two alleles (ex ['A','C']) missing (list): a list of missing allele strings (def ["0", "-"]) Returns: list: The genotype in top format """ # get illumina data as an array illumina = self.illumina.split("/") top = self.illumina_top.split("/") result = [] for allele in genotype: # mind to missing values if allele in missing: result.append("0") elif allele not in illumina: raise SmarterDBException( f"{genotype} is not in illumina coding") else: result.append(top[illumina.index(allele)]) return result
[docs]class Probeset(mongoengine.EmbeddedDocument): """A class to deal with different affymetrix probesets""" chip_name = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """the chip name where this affymetrix probeset comes from""" # more probe could be assigned to the same SNP probeset_id = mongoengine.ListField(mongoengine.StringField()) """A list probeset assigned to the same SNP""" def __str__(self): return ( f"{self.chip_name}: {self.probeset_id}" )
[docs]class VariantSpecies(mongoengine.Document): """Generic class to deal with Variant (SNP) objects""" rs_id = mongoengine.ListField(mongoengine.StringField(), default=None) """The SNP rsID""" chip_name = mongoengine.ListField(mongoengine.StringField()) """The chip names where this SNP could be found""" name = mongoengine.StringField(unique=True) """The name of the SNPs. Could be illumina name or affyemtrix name""" # sequence should model both illumina or affymetrix sequences sequence = mongoengine.DictField() """A dictionary where keys are chip_name, and values are their probe sequences""" # illumina top variant at variant level illumina_top = mongoengine.StringField(required=True) """Illumina TOP variant (which is the same indipendently by locations)""" locations = mongoengine.ListField( mongoengine.EmbeddedDocumentField(Location)) """A list of :py:class:`Location` objects""" # HINT: should sender be a Location attribute? sender = mongoengine.StringField() """Who provide this SNP probe""" # Affymetryx specific fields probesets = mongoengine.ListField( mongoengine.EmbeddedDocumentField(Probeset), default=None) """A list of :py:class:`Probeset` objects""" affy_snp_id = mongoengine.StringField() """The affymetrix SNP id""" cust_id = mongoengine.StringField() """The affymetrix customer id (which is the illumina name)""" # abstract class with custom indexes # TODO: need a index for position (chrom, position, version) meta = { 'abstract': True, 'indexes': [ { 'fields': [ "locations.chrom", "locations.position" ], }, { 'fields': ["affy_snp_id"], 'partialFilterExpression': { "affy_snp_id": { "$exists": True } } }, "probesets.probeset_id", 'rs_id', ] } def __str__(self): if not and self.affy_snp_id: return ( f"affy_snp_id='{self.affy_snp_id}', rs_id='{self.rs_id}', " f"illumina_top='{self.illumina_top}'") return ( f"name='{}', rs_id='{self.rs_id}', " f"illumina_top='{self.illumina_top}'")
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """Custom save method. Deal with variant name before save""" if not and self.affy_snp_id: logger.debug(f"Set variant name to {self.affy_snp_id}") = self.affy_snp_id # default save method super(VariantSpecies, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_location_index(self, version: str, imported_from='SNPchiMp v.3'): """Returns location index for assembly version and imported source Args: version (str): assembly version (ex: 'Oar_v3.1') imported_from (str): coordinates source (ex: 'SNPchiMp v.3') Returns: int: the index of the location requested """ for index, location in enumerate(self.locations): if (location.version == version and location.imported_from == imported_from): return index raise SmarterDBException( f"Location '{version}' '{imported_from}' is not in locations" )
[docs] def get_location(self, version: str, imported_from='SNPchiMp v.3'): """Returns location for assembly version and imported source Args: version (str): assembly version (ex: 'Oar_v3.1') imported_from (str): coordinates source (ex: 'SNPchiMp v.3') Returns: Location: the genomic coordinates """ def custom_filter(location: Location): if (location.version == version and location.imported_from == imported_from): return True return False locations = list(filter(custom_filter, self.locations)) if len(locations) != 1: raise SmarterDBException( "Couldn't determine a unique location for " f"'{}' '{version}' '{imported_from}'") return locations[0]
[docs]class VariantSheep(VariantSpecies): """A class to deal with Sheep variations (SNP)""" meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'variantSheep' }
[docs]class VariantGoat(VariantSpecies): """A class to deal with Goat variations (SNP)""" meta = { 'db_alias': DB_ALIAS, 'collection': 'variantGoat' }